Package com.martiansoftware.trivialpersist

Interface Summary
RecordFilter Provides a means to filter Records out of the results of a table select.
RecordInitializer Provides a means of automatically initializing any new Records with default values upon Record creation.

Class Summary
Record A trivially persistent object.
SeriesComparator Provides a means to wrap multiple Comparators into a single Comparator.
SeriesRecordFilter Provides a means to wrap multiple RecordFilters into a single RecordFilter.
Store The closest thing to a database provided by TrivialPersist.
Table A collection of records that share a schema.
Types Type constants used by TrivialPersist.

Exception Summary
TrivialPersistException The only kind of exception generated by TrivialPersist.
TrivialPersistRuntimeException A RuntimeException thrown by Trivial Persist.

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